Poor quality content can be seen as a reflection of your business, and nobody wants that. Photography is at the core of marketing for every brand. Focusing on creating content that best represents your brand and product is incredibly important. Strong images help drive social engagement, ecommerce, and having a cohesive and consistent brand image.
Let’s be honest. Video is king when it comes to online marketing. Whether that be testimonials, brand focused campaigns, product features, etc. Creating content that engages the viewer emotionally is what will ultimately drive conversion on any social platform.
Creative Consultation.
Sometimes you just need some pointers on how t.o create content yourself. With this, I would come in and show you how to create your content in-house. Everyone has different needs, and those needs require different strategies.
Creative Direction.
You have an amazing product but just simply aren’t a marketing person. But you want to figure out the best way to market your product. That is where I come in. By sitting with you and learning how you want to show your business to the world, you and I can build out your brand’s personality.
Social Media Management.
You run a business and just do not have time to deal with writing captions, posting, tagging, running ads, etc. No problem. I can very efficiently and effectively handle that aspect of your business.
Hiring / Staffing.
Your business may be ready to contract or even hire someone to run the content facing side of your business. Through my network, I am happy to provide referrals and bridge that connection.